Our Physios use electrotherapy to treat disorders relating to the muscles, ligaments and/or bone. The Physiotherapist will use modalities to compliment the manual and exercise treatment being prescribed to aid recovery as needed.
Some of the main electrotherapy methods are listed below:
Interferential Therapy
Interferential current us a medium frequency current that has been in use for therapeutic purposes for over 25 years. It involves the placement of electrodes on the body which deliver a mild current similar to the sensation of pins and needles. Manipulation of the current allows the Physiotherapist to target the correct structure and to treat it for pain relief, muscle spasm, inflammation and the reduction of haematoma.
Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is used to produce a concentrated beam of light radiation. Treatment stimulates tissue healing and reduces pain, inflammation and swelling. It is often used for skin conditions and to heal open wounds. Laser therapy is used to treat inflammatory problems such as tendonitis and acute ligament sprain such as ankle or groin strain. It also helps to break down thickened scar tissue post-operatively.
Muscular Stimulation
Manipulation of medium frequency current is again used to stimulate a contraction of a muscle. This is particularly successful in weakened muscles following surgery or immobilisation. It can also be used in conditions such as Bell’s Palsy or after Stroke or head injury.
TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)
Produces pain relief by blocking pain messages to the brain. The electrodes produce a vibrating sensation in the tissues which effectively masks the pain and allows the patient to carry on with everyday life. The units are mobile and small and can be a very effective alternative to painkillers. TENS is commonly used in chronic pain (eg arthritis, low back pain, labour pain and phantom pain).
• If needed our Physiotherapist may arrange for a rental unit to be used at home for people requiring prolonged use.
It involves using high frequency sound waves to treat injuries to muscles, tendons and other soft tissues. The Physio can manipulate the wavelength and frequency of sound waves to target the structure and produce the desired affect. It stimulates blood circulation and cell activity, accelerating the healing process and providing pain relief by reducing inflammation. It also provides micro-massage to tissues which aids in breaking down scar tissue and helps to correctly re-align tissue fibers. Conditions with adhesions (scar tissue), pain and muscle spasm, nerve related pain and neuroma are all successfully treated with ultrasound.