Sport Associations

Why Should Sports Associations Have a Concussion Program?

The research suggests that we can greatly reduce and potentially eliminate long-term complications and brain damage associated with concussions by ensuring athletes recover completely from each concussion they receive. The problem is that most athletes are being cleared too early, either because the concussion policy of that organization is insufficient, or the health care provider is relying on symptoms to make return to play decisions. The program covers all areas necessary to ensure safety for your athletes and eliminate the liability on your sports association:

  1. All coaches and trainers within your organization will receive the most current education on recognizing, assessing and dealing with concussions through our online Concussion Sideline Course, as well as gain access to the Concussion Tracker smartphone application to report concussions directly into specially trained concussion clinics.
  2. All athletes will receive the appropriate care and services required to ensure their concussions are managed properly, before and after the injury occurs, provided by trained health care providers… and its all covered by secondary health benefits!
  3. Finally, there’s no cost to your association or extra work involved, as we will take care of building your concussion policy and implementing it on your behalf.

Concussion Smartphone App

The first of it’s kind! A smartphone app that links directly with a health record system.  Be a part of the Beta test!

Now coaches, athletic trainers, and even schoolteachers can create a list of all of their players/students and report suspected concussions directly from their cell phone to certified concussion clinics across the country! This patent pending system allows clinics to fast track concussed patients to provide quicker assessment, diagnosis, and crucial management decisions.  

CCM are providers concussion management for over 100 sports organizations in Canada!